Special Building Engenering company

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Волгаспецстрой - реконструкция и капитальный ремонт Building - the assembly group of companies "
Special Building Engineering Ltd. "
carries out all complex is repair - building, installation works. One of the basic directions of activity the companies is capital construction industrial and public buildings.
Системы пожаротушения , электролаборатория The construction company of "
Special Building Engineering Ltd.
" has in the active of the high quality certified experts, industrial shop of manufacturing of metalworks, laboratory of repair of blocks of the process equipment. Own material resources-warehouse. A special equipment and the equipment for performance of works of any complexity
Технологическе линии Presence of solid industrial base, transport, gears, systems of warehouses allows to compete successfully to the similar building organizations at the price of, to terms and quality of carried out works.
Mill VolgaVent - manufacture of ventilating systems, manufac Air systems Regulations on airways production

Regulations on airways production

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VolgaVent factory - air condition - Air systems

ВСН 353-86 "Design and exploitation of airways made of common parts". MinMountingSpecStroy USSR.
Construction Regulations 41-01-2003 "Heating, ventilation and conditioning";
"Temporary standard for metal airways with circular section for aspiration systems";
Standard 4863-027-15185548-04 "Ventilating metal airways", "Lissant" cjs.;
Standard 2956-034-07502259-97 "Circular section airways with spiral-folded pipes", approved by Senior management of Marine register;
Standard 4863-030-15185548-04 "Ventilating metal diffusers and valves", "Lissant" cjs.;
Construction Regulations 21-01-97 "Fire safety of buildings";
Fire safety regulations 105-95 "Category of buildings according to fire explosion and fire safety ";
Fire safety regulations 241-97 "Ventilating fireproof valves";
Manual 6-91 to Construction Regulations 2.04.05-91 "Fireproof airways", "PromStroyProject". Equipment and technology of "Lissant" cjs. allows to produce ventilation elements which conform to:
EVROVENT 2/3 – European standard.
BS DW 142 – Great Britain standard.
SFS 3282, 3541 – Finland standard.
DIN 24 145 – German standard.

Depending on conditions of ventilation system exploitation airways can be made of various materials. To transmit air of 80C and 60% humidity airways are made of:

thin sheet cold-rolled zinked steel with 0,5-1,0 mm thickness, State standard 14918-80 ( 200-420 g of zinc for 1 m2 of steel)
thin sheet hot-rolled steel with 0,5-1,0 mm thickness, State standard 16523-70, State standard 19903-74 (steel without cover)###

Найти также: Проектирование и применение воздуховодов из унифицированных деталей волга вент производство