Special Building Engenering company

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Волгаспецстрой - реконструкция и капитальный ремонт Building - the assembly group of companies "
Special Building Engineering Ltd. "
carries out all complex is repair - building, installation works. One of the basic directions of activity the companies is capital construction industrial and public buildings.
Системы пожаротушения , электролаборатория The construction company of "
Special Building Engineering Ltd.
" has in the active of the high quality certified experts, industrial shop of manufacturing of metalworks, laboratory of repair of blocks of the process equipment. Own material resources-warehouse. A special equipment and the equipment for performance of works of any complexity
Технологическе линии Presence of solid industrial base, transport, gears, systems of warehouses allows to compete successfully to the similar building organizations at the price of, to terms and quality of carried out works.
Special Building Engineering Ltd. - a fire extinguishing, technological lines, insta Fire extinguishing automatic Modern systems of fire fighting protection

Modern systems of fire fighting protection

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Systems of fire protection are used for disclosing seat of fire, informing about specific place of fire, announcing of fire in building, people, defining control signal for systems of automatic fire fighting.

Systems of burglar alarm are used for modern announcing of security about fire penetration or attempt of it into building or its rooms, with fixation of fact, place, time.

Technical means of fire protection warning are: fire protection announcers, fire protection receipt-control devices and desks, fire signal-start devices, fire management devices and special power supply.

receipt-control devices are used for supply of protection and fire announcers per circuit of protection fire warning systems, receipt of alarm announcements, forming of alarm announcers "Fire", "Alarm", "Failure", as well as transmission to interlocking observation, forming of fire fighting signals, etc.

Fire announcers are first technical means of forming penetration or attempt into secure zone. Fire announcers can also disclosure physical factors, accompanying fire – open fire, smoke, etc.

Announcers of information signal of fire or disturber penetration are grouped into:

  • active – radiate signal and react to changes of its parameters
  • passive – react to signal, made by fire or disturber.

Fire announcers are divided depending on sensitive element, way of transmission to central desk, resistance to outer climatic factors effect, way of power supply. Light and sound fire announcers are used for alarm, fire warning with help of sound and light signals. Light and sound announcers may be supplied with information transparencies, prompting how to act in different situations.

Systems of automatic disclosure and fire fighting are supplied with reserve power supply, which will provide fail free system functioning when turning off voltage of basic power supply.

Choice of equipment of fire protection warning system is made considering a lot of factors:

  • climatic conditions,
  • constructive parameters of the guarded object,
  • possible ways of penetration,
  • regime and guard tactics.

Найти также: пожаротушение Современные системы противопожарной защиты и охраны Охранно пожарная